Friday, 15 August 2014
The British Tag
Here we go.
Question 1
How many cups of tea do you have a day and how many sugars?
I Don't really drink tea! I know - shock horror! Im British so surely I drink tea?! Well, when i do, i have 1 sugar. But its rare.
Question 2
Favourite part of your roast?
Yorkshire puddingggggggggggg! I used to eat a 12 pack of these as a snack. They are the bomb, yo.
Question 3
Favourite dunking biscuit?
Hmm, probably a Hobnob or a ginger nut.
Question 4
Favourite British Pasttime?
I'd say going to the beach, or going to the pub. Alcohol should be involved.
Question 5
Favourite word?
YOLO. You may say it's not a word, but it was actually added to the dictionary the other week. I say it about 500 times a day.
Question 6
Cockney Rhyming slang?
Apples and Pears - Stairs
Question 7
Favourite sweet?
Rowntrees randoms because i am random :D
Question 8
What would your pub be called?
The World's End. haha.
Question 9
No 1 British person?
Me, I am the best British person around. Try and prove me wrong.
Question 10
Favourite shop/restaurant?
Game. I'm a gamer, when i walk past a game store I have to go in. I can spend more time in there than chavs spend in JJB Sport.
Question 11
What British song pops into your head?
I don't really know. I mostly listen to american music. So...Funeral For a Friend. Roses For the Dead.
Question 12
Hell NO.
Feel free to ask me more personal questions, which i will endeavour to answer.
Btw, you are now tagged.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Non Smoking Update
Hello there my little crumpets!
I promised an update on the non smoking and while I really can't be bothered, I am a man of my word.
A man is only as good as his word.
It's man code. It's what we live by.
In all honesty I'm not doing great in some aspects, I think perhaps I need to take it more seriously. You see, I still have a cigarette in the morning, and my mid morning break for certain.
I try not to after my lunch but sometimes I do.
Today for instance I have had eight cigarettes. I haven't vaped once.
I'd say the fact I'm not challenging myself to stop smoking actual cigarettes completely is why I tell myself it's okay to have one or two, which fast becomes the old routine again. It's a vicious cycle.
Vapeing starts out harsh but you adjust.
I have to be honest when I first started vapeing it was harsh and made me choke a lot. But I am adjusting to it already and I do even more so as I go on.
I know it contains nicotine so I don't have to deal with nicotine withdrawal but the way I see it is, if I smoked vapour for five years it's better than the previous five years of smoking! (Or so we are told...)
One thing that annoys me is people who don't smoke buying vapour as an accessory. It's like "wow, you're cool" they're supposed to be for people trying to stop, they're not "cool"
So yeah in a way I'm struggling, but I'll take each day as it comes. And I have to say, it does help having people around that want you to succeed.
More updates soon!
Hate mail will only be accepted in the form of smoke signals...
Vapour signals.
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Stop Smoking with Jake.
So I finally decided to quit smoking. There was a few reasons for this e.g. not smelling very nice. However the main reason was health.
For the past few years I've been pretty lazy when it came to my health. I smoked, drank loads of energy drinks (5 a day at one point) and ate fast food constantly. That's not to mention the countless daily cakes and/or patisserie items available at work.
The main reason I decided to quit was because of a four day lung issue I had. I was struggling to breathe properly, and in a lot of pain sat down, stood up or laying down. So even sleep was no escape.
So, after visiting my GP I decided to sort out my health and fitness. Because if I can sort this out now it will be a lot easier when I am older. I'm only 21 so I shouldn't really have lung problems at this age.
I'd previously bought e-cigarettes before. (The ones that look identical to cigarettes, not the vapour ones.) But I had those more for the tasty flavours than the quitting aspect.
So I've decided to buy a bunch of vapeing stuff online from which all arrived today. So starting tomorrow I will be trying to replace a few cigarettes throughout the day with the vapour. Hopefully I'll be able to quit actual tobacco easily with the help of the vape.
The Kit .
Okay so here's everything I bought.
VR 1 starter kit.
This includes:
-1 battery
-4 pipe thingy bits (unsure of name?)
-1 high strength (18mg) tobacco liquid
-1 high strength (18mg) grape liquid
- case
I also bought
-1 12 mg cola flavour liquid
-2 12 mg Virginia tobacco flavour liquid
This all came to a total of £42.37
Hopefully it was a good investment. I plan to blog about my quitting smoking journey and most likely explode.