Hello there my little crumpets!
I promised an update on the non smoking and while I really can't be bothered, I am a man of my word.
A man is only as good as his word.
It's man code. It's what we live by.
In all honesty I'm not doing great in some aspects, I think perhaps I need to take it more seriously. You see, I still have a cigarette in the morning, and my mid morning break for certain.
I try not to after my lunch but sometimes I do.
Today for instance I have had eight cigarettes. I haven't vaped once.
I'd say the fact I'm not challenging myself to stop smoking actual cigarettes completely is why I tell myself it's okay to have one or two, which fast becomes the old routine again. It's a vicious cycle.
Vapeing starts out harsh but you adjust.
I have to be honest when I first started vapeing it was harsh and made me choke a lot. But I am adjusting to it already and I do even more so as I go on.
I know it contains nicotine so I don't have to deal with nicotine withdrawal but the way I see it is, if I smoked vapour for five years it's better than the previous five years of smoking! (Or so we are told...)
One thing that annoys me is people who don't smoke buying vapour as an accessory. It's like "wow, you're cool" they're supposed to be for people trying to stop, they're not "cool"
So yeah in a way I'm struggling, but I'll take each day as it comes. And I have to say, it does help having people around that want you to succeed.
More updates soon!
Hate mail will only be accepted in the form of smoke signals...
Vapour signals.
Good post jake, you can do this. :-) don't give up